Miss Princess Second Service Project

For my second service project I collected donations for “Cory’s Closet” memorial project located at Simley High School. Cory’s Closet contains personal hygiene products and clothing available to students as needed. Located in the nurse’s office, students have a convenient and confidential place to get things. These items can be important on school days as well as for home use. Students may not have money or access to buy hygiene products they need. Items available are body wash, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, Tampons and pads, socks, t-shirts, sweatshirts, and more. As a Simley High School student myself, I know students appreciate having Cory’s Closet available. Donations are always needed and greatly appreciated. I will be continuing to collect donations if anyone wishes to contribute. Please contact me or school nurse Dawn at Simley High School. Thank you.

2023 Miss Princess
