Jr Winter Carnival Chili Cook Off

Chili cook-off

On Sunday December 9th, your royal court of Inver Grove Heights, minus the littles, attended the Kettles of Fire Junior Winter Carnival chili cook-off! My absolute favorite chili was curated by the Klondike Kate’s, and I loved it because of its sweetness. It really added some love to the chili! It was so amazing to meet the candidates for Junior Winter Carnival, and it was so awesome to see two of our past princesses using the wonderful public speaking abilities they gained throughout their reign as Inver Grove Heights ambassadors, to answer some tough fishbowl questions. Good luck Katie and Grace! And good luck to the rest of the candidates as well. We can’t wait to see everyone again at the coronation!


Miss Inver Grove Heights



Cub Foods Bagging

On 12-22-18 we bagged groceries at cub foods as a fundraiser for our  program. We bagged from 10-4 at the Cub Foods on Cahill Ave.  Some of the past royalty helped too. It was a fun way to bond with my royal sisters and get to know some of the other girls that had been crowned while socializing with the customers. 

Abi Mraz

2018 Cambridge Snowflake parade

On November 17th, my royal sisters and I had the privilege to be a part of the Cambridge Snowflake Parade. As well as being in the parade, we went to a nursing home to sing Christmas carols. We had a lot of fun singing to everyone there. The parade was cold, but we didn’t let it dampen our smiles. After the parade we got to visit with the other royalty and eat chili. Not long into the visiting Santa showed up.

Jr. Miss Alyssa


Boo Bash

On Friday October 26th me and my royal sisters were invited to the boo bash at Inver Grove Community Center. While volunteering we were able to help a lot of children have a great time.This was a great experience. I would like to say thank you to everyone who worked so hard, and volunteered their time. Thank you everyone, the children had a blast.
Little Miss Princess

2018 City Council Meeting

 On Monday, October 22 the royal court and I had the privilege to attend a City Hall meeting. We were able to meet the City Hall committee and also present the mayor with a traditional photo that we had taken with him during the summer. This was an incredible experience, and will be a cherished memory.
Natalia Junior Miss Princess

Inver Glenn Library Halloween House Event

On October 19th, the Miss Inver Grove Heights Royal Family went to the Inver Glen Library to help out with the event going on. At this event, the kids were making halloween themed gingerbread houses. We helped the kids open the frosting and gave them their candy to place on the house they created. It was a lot of fun and it was nice to meet everyone who came. Thank you Friends of the Inver Glen Library for letting us come out and help.

2019 Junior Miss Inver Grove Heights



Service Project

For my third and final service project, I donated therapeutic rice bags to the fire department in Inver Grove Heights. It was really fun to be able to sit with the fire fighters and talk to them about all they do, and thank them for their service to my community. It was really fun to donate them and to get a tour of the fire station. I enjoyed getting to know the people who sacrifice their time for us.

Thank you Inver Grove Heights Firefighters



2018 Felicia’s Sponsor Visit

I would like to give a huge thank you to my sponsor this year, Bruce from Quality Auto Care Center. Without his support, this year would not have been possible. His sponsorship allowed me to have so many new and fun experiences that I will always remember, as well as helped me to grow as a person and develop so many skills such as leadership, public speaking, and responsibility. I am beyond grateful for Bruce’s generosity, and I am proud to have been able represent Quality Auto Care Center over my year.
Miss IGH Princess

2018 Kick off Dinner

On August 8th, my royal sisters and I, attended the annual kickoff dinner at St. Patrick’s Church in Inver Grove Heights. It was a very nice evening filled with fun and cake!
We started the dinner out with the 2018 Royalty introductions and our dads walking us out to the head table, which was really special. We ate a yummy dinner and then the cakes and desserts were raffled off. The 2019 Miss Candidates did their sponsor presentations and the Junior and Miss walked the room with their ‘All About Me’ outfits on. My royal sister’s and I were knighted by King Boreas and I was pinned by the Queen of the Snows, which was really awesome. Our royalty portraits were given to us and turned out really pretty. We spoke at the end and said thank you to the program and families. I was pretty nervous and jumbled up some of my lines, but I got a good laugh from the crowd, so it turned out okay!

This is one of my favorite events, so it was so fun to attend. It also means that we are all getting closer to the end of our reign, which is a bit sad. We are making the most out of our last month and the Kickoff Dinner was another great opportunity to spend time together with the families and royal court.

2018 Little Miss Piper

Sponsor Visit

I got to meet with my sponsor, Rob from Hometown Meats. Being able to thank him in person for all he has done for the city of Inver Grove Heights and for me and the Inver Grove Heights Scholarship Program was really special. Without his support I would not have been able to achieve such amazing things through the program and to grow as an individual. I got to go down to the food truck and eat some really good food at Gertens. I had such a fun time. Thank you so much to Rob and Hometown Meats for their sponsorship.

Miss Inver Grove Heights
