Woodbury Kick-Off Dinner

On Thursday, August 4th, my royal family and I went to the Woodbury Ambassador kick-off dinner to see their candidates and current royalty. The little candidates made deserts and I had some delicious chocolate cake. The Woodbury ambassadors are some of my favorite people I have met during my royal reign and it was bittersweet seeing their year start to come to an end. I’m super happy for the candidates and can’t wait to see who will be crowned. Good Luck to all their candidates.

Miss Princess


Miss Inver Grove Heights 3rd Sponsor Visit

For my third sponsor visit, I met with Bill Foster, who is the current president of The Moose Lodge 1088. After catching up a bit on what has happened since I last saw him, we talked a bit about school starting up soon. He was able to give me good advice that I will take with me into college. I would really like to thank The Moose Lodge 1088 for sponsoring me this year, without their support I would not be able to do some of the things I did and I look forward to the continued partnership with The Moose Lodge 1088.

2022 Miss Inver Grove Heights


Parks and Rec

We celebrated the last Terrific Tuesday with the Bazillions.  It was a beautiful day.  They were a band that did rock n roll kids’ songs like head, shoulders, knees, and toes.  They did a song about parents sharing more and lots of silly fun songs.  There were 3 people singing.  You can check out the Bazillions Facebook page and other social media.  They did a great job teaching songs about education so, your kids can learn to be strong and independent adults when they grow up. 

Little Miss Princess


Community Service

On Wednesday, August 3rd, the Inver Grove Heights Royal Family and their candidates got the chance to help clean up the Veterans Memorial Community Center by weeding. It was a very rewarding experience for us to help out our community and showed our candidates how even a small action such as weeding can make everything look so nice. I can’t wait to see what’s next for us to do.

2022 Miss Inver Grove Heights


Terrific Tuesday

On  August 2, we went to South Valley Park for Terrific Tuesday. There was a performance by The Bazillions. They sang and played guitar. Kids were dancing and singing along. It was fun to watch and a great way to say hello to the community!

Little Miss Princess 2022

Rice Street Coronation

On Monday, August 1st, my royal sisters and I got to be a part of the Rice Street Royalty Coronation. During the event, we got the chance to talk to all their candidates and we were able to meet the Woodbury candidates for the first time as well. The event was lovely and it was great to see all the alumni come back to celebrate. Congrats to the new Rice Street Queen Chloe and the new Rice Street Princesses Annie and Taylor. 

Miss Inver Grove Heights


Little Canada Parade

On Sunday, July 31st my Royal sisters and I went to the Little Canada Parade.  We got to mingle with a lot of other royalties. It was a VERY hot day, and the parade was really long. But, it was still a ton of fun! Everyone loved our boas and sunglasses that we wore for the Rendezvous theme.

2022 Little Miss Inver Grove Heights


Leprechaun Days

On Saturday July 30th my royal sisters and I went to the Leprechaun Days Parade in Rosemount. It was a really fun and hot day. But a great day to be outside and get together with other people and other royal families. After a hot parade, we ended up cooling down with root beer floats. It was a fun time!

Little Miss Princess 2022

Little Miss Sponsor Visit

On Tuesday, August 2nd, I did my last sponsor visit at Drkula’s. I thanked Tim for sponsoring me and told him what a great year I had. I took a picture with Tim in the arcade. I also invited him to the upcoming kickoff dinner. Tim told me how proud he was of my accomplishments as an ambassador for our city. I’m so grateful to have had Drkula’s as my sponsor this year.

2022 Little Miss Inver Grove Heights


Terrific Tuesday

For Terrific Tuesday we had the Tadpole Parade.  I wasn’t sure what to expect but, it ended up being a fun event for kids where a guy played music to engage the audience.  My royal sisters and I wore our new jerseys to the event and I got to help keep attendance again.  It was a beautiful day and I like that Inver Grove Heights hosts events for families in the park.  I’d encourage everyone to attend. 

Little Miss Princess
