2015 May Day 5K / B.E.S.T. Foundation
2015 Good Samaritan Spring Brunch
On Saturday the 26th, we went to Good Samaritan Spring Brunch. We helped by setting up tables, escorting people to their tables, and greeted them. There was a lovely brunch, silent auction, and even a hypnotist. I even got to help with a magic trick! We got to be hypnotized which was really cool! Although I can only remember somethings. We had a lot of fun! My mom Teresa even won a Wild fan basket at the silent auction. We had an amazing time and can not wait for our next volunteering event!
Tessa Quam
2015 Inver Grove Heights Junior Princess
2015 SSP/IGH Rotary Club Dinner
Tonight I was privileged to attend the Inver Grove Heights/ South St. Paul Rotary Club Dinner. The food was awesome and I got to meet some great people and hear about what they do to help our community. So cool! I also got to talk with some foreign exchange students which was super fun. I got to learn a little about where they’re from and what their culture is like. It was such an honor to be able to attend and so cool to meet people who were not only making a difference in their community, but working to make it better.
Alexandra Mraz
2015 Inver Grove Heights Princess
2015 Egg Hunt
On March 28, 2015 we took part in the community Easter egg hunt at Rich Valley Park. It was very fun! When we arrived, we mingled with all of the people attending and were divided into 3 to help the different age groups. I was paired with Miss IGH, Trish Harwell. We held up signs so the children knew where to line up to start the hunt. I got to go to the middle of the field with a blow horn to start the race for eggs. Each child was allowed to pick up 10 eggs but all were searching for the 3 sparkly, golden eggs that would earn them a special prize. Everyone was very excited! During the hunt, my royal sisters and I passed out information about the scholarship program and a lot of them were interested in finding out more. We stayed until all the participants were gone. It was a great day!!
Jenna Roubik
2015 Little Miss Inver Grove Heights
2015 Read Across America Day
I had a great opportunity to participate in the Reading Across America program! Hilltop Elementary asked if I was available to come in and read to the kids, I was happy to accept! I arrived at the school and was taken to a first grade class. I read the class “The Cat In The Hat Comes Back”! The class was so welcoming and I had a great time!

2015 Good Samaritan Bingo / Ice Cream Social
Sponsor Visit – Quality Auto Care Center
On February 13, 2015 I met with my sponsor Bruce Bairaktaris from Quality Auto Care Center in South Saint Paul. I had so much fun! We talked about everything from my driving skills to my classes I am taking in school next year. I learned that his daughter is in 9th grade and is already taking college courses at the U of M. While taking one of the pictures of me holding the car, my dad Scott told me to not stand right under the car or else it would drip on me and then I looked up and it dripped on my face we all laughed at how ironic and funny the situation was. I am so glad to have Quality Auto Care Center as my sponsor.
Tessa Quam
2015 Inver Grove Heights Junior Princess
2015 City Council Meeting
Tonight we had the opportunity to meet the Inver Grove Heights City Council Members. The Vice President of our program, Carol Swenson, gave a brief summary of what our Scholarship Program is about and how it has impacted a lot of girls in our community. We introduced ourselves to the City Council & presented Mayor Tourville with a picture of us (the 2015 Royal Court and Mayor Tourville) from the Inver Glen Library Ribbon cutting ceremony this Fall. We were able to see how a real city Council meeting works. We learned that the City of Inver Grove Heights is 50 years old this year and the police are producing new badges as well as new emblems on their squad cars to celebrate the anniversary.

2015 Daddy/Daughter Date Night
On Friday February 6th my royal sisters and I got to go to the Daddy Daughter date night at the Veterans Memorial Community Center in IGH. The theme was disco party. Some people came dressed for the disco theme and others came dressed in formal clothes but everyone danced the night away. Besides dancing there were games to play and a yummy Italian dinner. I had a really fun time with my dad and all the other dad’s and daughters there too.
Anesya McElmury
2015 Little Miss Inver Grove Heights Princess