Crowning Achievements

My royal sisters and I went to New Richmond, WI to go to the Crowning Achievements event.  It’s a coronation to empower those with special needs.  They had 22 participants who got to get dressed up, perform a special talent like singing and dancing, made their own band, and do an obstacle course with a wheelchair.  At the end of the night, everyone was crowned Princess or King.  The candidates had great personalities and were fun to be around.  It was also great to see how much other royalty from various cities came to support them.  It was a very special night to celebrate the special needs community.

Little Miss Princess


Moose Trunk and Treat

On October 30th we attended the Trunk or Treat at the Moose Lodge 1088. This was a very fun event where kids wearing cool costumes got to trick or treat at the decorated car trunks and also we got to hand them delicious hot dogs, chips, juice, and a pumpkin cookie to decorate at home. The IGH firefighters brought the cool fire engines and we got to enjoy being “Ghostbusters” again after our First Prize Award at the Monster Bash Parade the previous day.

Stephanie, Miss IGH 2023

Scary Skate

On October 29, 2022 the Inver Grove Heights Royalty got to visit the scary skate held at the Grove. We got to meet new people from all different parts of the community , we got to pass out skates and talk with people. We also got to hang out as royalty and spend time together and laugh together.

2023 Little Miss Inver Grove Heights


Cottage Grove Parade

On Saturday, October 29th the Inver Grove Heights Royalty participated in our first parade! It was called the Cottage Grove Strawberry Fest Monster Bash Parade. It was a lot of fun getting to meet other royalty. The theme that we picked for our float was Ghostbusters and we won first place for the Most Creative! I loved getting to spend time with my new royal family and I can’t wait for more events!

2023 Little Miss Princess Ryleigh

Ghostly Gathering

My royal sisters and I went to the Inver Grove Heights, Ghostly Gathering.  It’s a community Halloween event to play games, take photos, go in a bounce house or dance with your friends and family.  My royal sisters and I worked the event by hosting the games.  I started by hosting the bowling game – every guest received two balls and had to try knocking down the pins.  Then, I handed them candy as a reward and set the pins back up.  I switched stations to host the photo booth to take photos of people with their phones.  I moved to the candy walk where guests had to walk in a circle until we said stop and took a card with a number on it.  If they had a card that matched, they won.  Everyone came dressed in costumes, we were dressed as Ghostbusters and as a marshmallow.  It was a great time and I was excited to participate.

Little Miss Princess


Bake Sale and Moose Donation

On October 22, we had an event at the Moose Lodge in Inver Grove.  A group photo was taken for the financial support the Moose Lodge gives us. There was a meat raffle and a bake sale. We helped with the bake sale and got to meet people from our community who supported the Lodge with their purchases. It was a fun event. People enjoyed the baked goods. We greatly appreciate the generous sponsorship the Lodge gives the Scholarship program.

Miss Princess


Ribbon Cutting

On October 4th, the Inver Grove Heights royalty were able to share in the excitement of the grand opening of Perplebunny’s Axe House. Along with meeting people in our community, we meet city council members and the owners. The owner, Dustin Kerr had a fun story of how and why they started their axe house. Please stop by and support a local business. You must be 18 or older to throw an axe, we were unable to throw an axe because of our ages, but with our royal coordinators supervision we were able to still have a fun photo opportunity.

2023 Little Miss IGH Evelyn 

Dog Paw-ty

On October 1st, the Inver Grove Heights Royalty attended the Halloween Dog Paw-ty at Heritage Park from 2:00-4:00. This event was attended by several furry friends in their costumes along with their owners. This event was sponsored by Dreadlocks for Dingoes they donated a full grooming as a prize for the best costume. We really had a great time attending this event and meeting our neighbors.


Miss IGH 2023

Sign Up For Our Quarterly Newsletter!

The royal court participates in a variety events throughout the year. Here is how you can stay up to date on what we are up to!

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Ella’s Final Sponsor Visit

I want to take a minute to thank my sponsor,  The BLVD Tavern.  It has been an amazing year. With your help, I was able to experience so many fun and rewarding things during my reign as Little Miss Princess. I have made memories that will last a lifetime. So a BIG thank you to The BLVD Tavern for your support!

Little Miss Princess 2022