Town Square Taping

On August 17, the current Inver Grove Heights Royalty and the 2024 candidates were videotaped for the Royalty Showcase TV Program at Town Square Television. The current Royalty spoke about the Scholarship Program and the service projects that have been done over the past year. The goal of the program is to “Make a difference in the lives of young individual”. The TV host asked each person how the program has made a difference in their lives and about their individual service projects. The candidates were taped introducing themselves and shared information to get to know each candidate. Everyone was a little nervous about being videotaped live in front of a big TV camera, but everything went well. Please watch for the Royalty Showcase when it airs soon on the local TV station.  Coronation for the new Royalty is Saturday September 9 at Simley Performing Arts Center (Simley High School) at 4:30with seating starting at 4pm. We look forward to seeing everyone there. 

Miss IGH Princess 2023


On August 19th, my royal sisters and I attended Pepperfest in North Hudson. We were in the parade and then participated in the spaghetti eating contest. It was really hot out, thank goodness for air conditioning in our vehicles.
I was really excited for the contest! Only three of us were able to participate so we had an ambassador from St. Louis Park be part of our team. I finished eating 1/2 pound of spaghetti in one minute and 58 seconds and our team of four finished in eight minutes and seven seconds. It was a fun day but I don’t want to eat spaghetti for a while!

Little Princess


Saints games

My royal sisters and I went to a St. Paul Saints game.  There was lots of royalty in attendance and they were handing out free samples of ice cream sandwiches.  We were able to go on the field and walk the bases.  They announced our group when we walked by home plate and I ate a hot dog.  We tried to start a wave and we got a little crowd participation.  I really like that they have fun games between innings.  I really enjoyed this fun event out as a royal family.

Little Miss Princess


Carol Swenson Memorial Scholarship Recipient

Words cannot express how incredibly honored I am to receive the Carol Swenson Memorial Scholarship. I would like to express my extreme gratitude to the Swenson family for selecting me as this year’s recipient. Carol Swenson was a remarkable lady that helped me become the person I am today and for that I am extremely grateful. I would not be who I am today without the Inver Grove Heights Scholarship Program and the ideals Carol represented. I plan on using the scholarship to further my education and continue being involved with the Inver Grove Heights Scholarship Program and the communities where I live. Thank you again for this special honor.

Alyssa Gaarder


On Monday August 14th the Woodbury Royalty hosted the Lessons in Life Leadership talk by Dan Stolz at Jerry’s Market. The IGH Royalty, the Jr Candidates and I were in attendance, and we found this event to be very interesting. We learned about leadership, life lessons, success, trust and the importance of giving back to our communities.We also learned how important it is to aim high and take good risks. We really appreciated being invited to this wonderful event.

Miss IGH 2023


Rice Street Coronation

On Monday, August 7 2023. My royal sisters and I attended the Rice Street coronation. We got to say are last good bye to the 2023 Rice Street royalty and say hello to the new 2024 royalty. We had so many pictures opportunities.

Little Miss IGH


Twins Clinic

My royal sisters and I helped with a Twins Baseball Clinic. It was supposed to be at Rich Valley Athletic Complex but with the upcoming rain it was switched to Veterans Memorial. There were kids ranging from 6 to 12 years old. They went over how to throw, catch, field, and hit the ball. I helped with the hitting group and was able to pitch the ball. There were some great hitters there!
It was really nice to have Inver Grove and the Twins work together to offer this clinic to kids. I saw some kids I knew but also a lot of kids from neighboring towns.

Little Miss Princess Ryleigh

Family Picnic

My royal sisters and I went to the Inver Grove Heights Royalty program candidate family picnic.  Everyone had to bring an item so, our family brought homemade s’more cupcakes and water.  The event was held at Lorraine Park in South St. Paul.  We have 14 candidates and I heard over 70 people came to the picnic so, it was a big group.  My favorite item was my royal sister, Ryleigh’s Boston crème pie bites.  We all introduced ourselves and we were playing games.  It was really fun and I’m glad I went. 

Little Princess


Little Canada Parade

On Sunday, August 6, 2023, my royal sisters, and I attended the Little Canada Days parade. We had a great time visiting with other royalty and were able to have one more parade with the Rice Street Royal Court. The rain held out until our Royal Float Crew (aka, our parents) packed up our float. We had lots of laughs as we are walking back to our cars while it down poured. Definitely a fun memory.

Little Miss Inver Grove Heights


Relay For Life

On August 5th, the IGH Royalty attended the 19th annual American Cancer Society, “Relay for Life” fundraising event. This event was held from 4 to 10 pm with hundreds of participants during this time. There were food trucks and booths selling items to raise money. As well as games and entertainment.  The first lap of the relay was for Cancer survivors. All wore purple shirts. A sunset luminaria ceremony was planned to remember loved ones and honor those who continue their fight against cancer. We walked the track and visited with people in attendance. I came away from the Relay event with more awareness of how many people have cancer and the research and treatments needed to fight it. Organizers were very pleased that the funds raised exceeded the goal, by raising more the $25,000. These funds are used to support cancer research and patient care programs.

 IGH Miss Princess 2023
