I had my last official sponsor visit with Bruce at Quality Auto Care Center, but I plan to keep in touch! I am so grateful for Bruce’s continued support, not only for me, but for the entire program. Our program would not be possible without incredibly generous sponsors such as Quality Auto Care Center. I love being able to go down and talk to Bruce because he is such an amazing guy and such an amazing role model in our community and so many others. Thank you Bruce!
If your car needs repair, give Bruce a call!
Miss Inver Grove Heights Princess,
Sponsor Visit – Quality Auto Care Center
Rice Street Coronation
On Monday, August 2, we had the opportunity to attend the Rice Street Coronation. They had 12 amazing candidates that we got to know very well over the last couple months and it was exciting to finally find out which lucky three girls would be crowned. They all did such and amazing job, the judges certainly had a hard choice! I really enjoyed hearing the candidates talk about what leadership skills they developed throughout candidacy. Hearing this reminded me of how much I have grown since my candidacy as well as how much growth I have seen in my fellow royalty and in participants of other programs. This program has had a major impact on my life and I am beyond grateful to continue growing alongside these other ambassadors. Finally, after the coronation, we enjoyed eating cookies, catching up with friends and other royalty groups, and snapping a picture with this royalty beautiful duck!
Miss Inver Grove Heights
Sponsor Visit – Inver Grove Honda
This past Friday, I visited with my sponsor Inver Grove Honda. I met with them to thank them for sponsoring me. We discussed all of the different things I have had the opportunity to do and experience over the past two years. Everyone I met with was very friendly and welcoming. I always enjoy my visits with them.
Little Miss Inver Grove Heights

Terrific Tuesdays with the Inver Grove Heights Park and Rec.
On Tuesday July 20th Amy, Teah, and I attended Terrific Tuesdays in the park with the Inver Grove Heights Park & Rec. We danced with the kids and listened to the live music. I love watching all of the kids interact with the musicians and have a fun time outside on a perfect summer day. After the performance a Mik Mart ice cream truck came to sell sweet treats to all of the kids. I look forward to helping out with this event again soon!
Miss Inver Grove Heights Princess,
Eagan Ambassador Coronation
St. Paul Saints Sparkle Night
On July 13th, my royal sisters and I attended St Paul Saints Sparkle Night at CHS Field. All of the royalty groups that attended got to go on the field and walk a lap before the game and they announced each group. I had so much fun with my fellow royalty. It was a great game and the Saints won 19-1 over the Columbus Clippers!
Little Miss Inver Grove Heights

Hopkins Raspberry Fest
On Thursday, July 15 my royal sisters and I attended the Hopkins Raspberry Festival coronation. This coronation was so fun. The emcees were so funny they had the whole crowd laughing the entire time. My favorite part of this coronation was definitely the after party because all of the visiting royalty got to go bowling in our crowns and gowns and we all had so much fun.
Junior Princess

Sponsor Visit – Gertens
I spent the evening visiting with my sponsor, Gertens, and I could not have asked to have a better business to sponsor me! Over the last two years, Gertens has enthusiastically supported me and the program. Their environment is always so welcoming and the employees are very kind. We talked about how the last two years have been for our scholarship program and different types of events that we have brought the Inver Grove Heights joy to! I look forward to representing Gertens and the community for a couple more months until we crown the next group of royal ambassadors!
Miss Inver Grove Heights

South Saint Paul Kaposia Days
Hey everyone it’s Tea, your Junior Miss Inver Grove Heights! On June 25, we participated in a parade in South Saint Paul for Kaposia Days. We got to walk around and meet both current royalty and candidates. It was great stopping by in a city so close to us and see everyone come together! The following day that you see in these pictures, we got to go to the South Saint Paul Coronation. It was great seeing all of the candidates and new girls be crowned. I hope to see you all at more parades and events like Kaposia Days!
2020 Junior Miss Inver Grove Heights

Rice Street Kick Off Dinner
On Friday, June 18th I had the opportunity to attend the Rice Street Kick Off Dinner. While at the dinner, I had talked to the 12 wonderful candidates, catch up with old friends and other royalty groups, and eat some amazing food. Each candidate made a dessert to be auctioned off and I got to try three of them, which all tasted amazing! I really enjoyed getting to learn more about the candidate’s education, careers, and hobbies! This is a wonderful group of women and I wish them luck throughout their candidacy.
Miss Inver Grove Heights 2020