My crown sisters and I dressed up as Care Bears for Halloween. We went to the Ghostly Gathering (I was Bedtime Bear, Alyssa was Funshine Bear, Lily was Lucky Bear and Katie was Grumpy Bear). We all volunteered at different stations. There were 3 stations we switched: obstacle course, bounce house, pumpkin memory game and pumpkin bowling. For pumpkin bowling, there were two pumpkins – we were using the small one. At the end, we had the most fun with the music. There was a train song and a lot of people danced the Macarena then, we did the Cupid Shuffle. Lilly, Jill and I all sang ‘Party in the USA’ then, it was time to go. It was so much fun!
2022 Little Miss Inver Grove Heights Princess
Ghostly Gathering
Cottage Grove Halloween Parade
My royal sisters and I attended the Cottage Grove Halloween parade. We had two hours to build a float using a theme and we chose Care Bears. We got second place for the most creative float then, we played music and rode the float as we waved to the crowd. We were all different Care Bears. I was Bedtime Bear and Ella was Tenderheart Bear. We rode in the front of the float. Lily was Lucky Bear and sat in the middle. Kate was Grumpy Bear and Alyssa was Funshine Bear, they rode in the back at the top of the float. We had a great time at this event!
2022 Little Miss Inver Grove Heights Princess,
Trunk-or-Treat at the Moose Lodge
On Sunday, October 24th, the Royal Court and I attended the Trunk-or-Treat event at the Moose Lodge. We helped hand out hot dogs, chips, cookies and juices to all of the families that came. It was so much fun to see all of the awesome costumes the kids, parents and pets were wearing. Even though it was a little chilly, it was a great turn out and a fabulous time! I would like to thank the Moose Lodge for sponsoring such a great event! I would also like to thank all of the people who volunteered to dress up their trunks and hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters.
2022 Little Miss Inver Grove Heights

Sponsor Visit – Heartland Credit Union
I am so honored to be sponsored by Heartland Credit Union. I stopped by and chatted with them when I was a candidate and they were so friendly. As a candidate we have to write a commercial and perform it at our opening dinner, I did a talk show and Heartland Credit Union was so generous and gave the “studio audience ” a gift for during my talk show.
I was lucky and enjoyed sitting with them at the dinner, as well. I am so grateful for the support that Heartland Credit Union gives the Inver Grove Heights Scholarship Program. I know without the generosity of their sponsorship, this year would not be possible.
2022 Miss Inver Grove Heights Princess
Sponsor Visit – Drkula’s
This past Thursday I met with my sponsor Tim from Drkula’s. I thanked him for sponsoring me throughout my candidacy as well as for his continued support now that I’ve been crowned. I also thanked him for the special shoutout they gave me on the reader board outside of Drkula’s. It was fun to see how excited he was about the Thank You gift we gave him. We printed some pictures from my candidacy and gave him some candy.
During my visit, Tim and I talked about all of the fun events coming up. I told him that we get to participate in the dog pawty at Heritage Park, the Halloween parade in Cottage Grove, the Boo Bash event at the Vets Center and the Trunk or Treat event at The Moose Lodge.
Last we talked about how much I was looking forward to bowling in the fall league. This will be my fifth year bowling with Drkula’s.
2022 Little Miss

On Saturday the 18th, our royal family had the opportunity to attend Touch-a-Truck. It’s always so much fun to be apart of the Inver Grove Heights Parks and Recreation event. So many people came out to see all the trucks and I saw that so many of the kids were excited to be there. While walking around to all the trucks, I got to learn about each of the different trucks and what they were used for. Overall it was a great experience, not only for our royal family, but for the community to come together with each other.
2022 Miss Inver Grove Heights

Final Service Project – River Heights Vineyard Church Loaves and Fishes
Before completing two amazing years of being Miss Inver Grove Heights, I volunteered at River Heights Vineyard Church here in Inver Grove Heights with Loaves and Fishes. There, we prepared and served hot meals and provided snacks for those in the community who are in need of some food. Loaves and Fishes serves food out of River Heights Vineyard Church Monday-Thursday from 5:30-6:30pm. If you or someone you know is in need of food, Loaves and Fishes will welcome you with open arms! I enjoyed serving meals in our community and I look forward to the next time I volunteer with then!
Miss Inver Grove Heights

Final Sponsor Visit – South Saint Paul and Inver Grove Heights Rotary Club
Since my year is coming to an end, I wanted to thank one of the biggest support systems that I had these past two years. A big thank you to my sponsor the South Saint Paul and Inver Grove Heights Rotary Club for being my sponsor. I’m so thankful for all you guys do, and I hope that another person can get lucky enough to be sponsored by you, like I was. Thank you guys again.
Teah, Junior Miss Inver Grove Heights 2020-2021

Final Service Project – Shoe Drive
I had the opportunity to do a final service project, a shoe drive, with three of my Royal sisters Amy, Ashley, and Autumn. We all collected shoes throughout our community and through people we know. I collected 569 pairs of shoes! All of these shoes will get donated and shipped overseas to woman, kids, and men. I think this was a good last service project to not only give back but to bless other people that don’t have things like we do. Nowadays we take so much for granted, everything that we have and don’t always think about the people that don’t have. Thank you to everyone who donated and it’s nice knowing that all of these shoes will go to a good cause!
Teah, Junior Miss Inver Grove Heights
* Today is your last chance to contribute! You can bring a pair of shoes or boots to the Coronation this afternoon at 4:30pm at the Performing Arts Center at Simley High School.
Canadian Days Parade
On Sunday, August 1st, my royal sisters and I attend the Little Canada’s Canadian Days parade. This parade was super fun. The weather was so nice and we had the opportunity to mingle with lots of royalty. Little Canada is such a cute town and I’d definitely do this parade again. I could not have asked for a better day!
Junior Miss Princess